Please enjoy reflecting on these thought-provoking images
Take some time to choose one image that appeals to you ...
Then sit quietly for a few minutes and reflect on what it means to you ...

Is there something that you are holding on to - which is preventing you from living your happiest life?

How can you create some space in your life?

What is your 'this'?

We cannot change others ... only ourselves

Start with yourself ...

What is this ending making space for ...?
Feelings are meant to be felt ...

Be kind ...
What is the first small step you could take?
How are you measuring your success ...?
How can you introduce some self-compassion into your life?
How might you apply this idea to your own life?

Notice if you are in 'doing' mode ... wanting to get something done ... experiment with stillness
No-one knows what is going on in anyone else's life ... so be kind
Change your mind ... change your life
Take a pause ... and breathe
Only you are responsible for you ...
Check in with yourself ... do you have an expectation of what you are going to find?
We all see things differently because we are all unique
You are already enough
Intentions vs reality ... what is the most important thing for you today?
"Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy" Thich Nhat Hanh
How habits create change, little by little

First ... be kind

Comparison is the thief of joy

Being present ... giving the gift of attention

Perspective ... what do you see?

Are you carrying anger towards someone?

How you can shape your future by your actions today

What are you believing?

Can you find a way to let go of the anger and move forwards, for your own sake?